Findings and sanctions of past hearings

Details of published findings and sanctions imposed by Disciplinary Tribunals since BTAS started operations on 1 February 2013 are provided here.  Please note that, in line with the BTAS Publication Policy, findings will be removed from the website after 2 years, unless the finding of the Disciplinary Tribunal involves a suspension or disbarment. In these cases, the finding will be posted on the BTAS website indefinitely.

Details of findings and sanctions are published in accordance with the BTAS Publication Policy: Disciplinary Tribunals and other adjudication hearings.

In exceptional circumstances, a tribunal can require the Bar Standards Board to suspend the defendant’s practising certificate from a date determined by the tribunal and which can take immediate effect (rE227 and rE228 of the Bar Standards Board Handbook). In all other instances, the sanction described in the finding sheets attached will only come into effect after the time for appeal has expired. The date is further determined either by a decision of the Treasurer of the defendant’s Inn or the disposal of the appeal should one be made. For specific detail, please refer to the Enforcement Regulations at rE239 and rE241.

Appeals against relevant decisions of Bar Disciplinary Tribunals made before 7 January 2014 were heard by the Visitors to the Inns of Court.  Since that date appeals fall under the jurisdiction of the High Court (rE236).  The outcome of Visitors’ Hearings (appeals) and appeals to the High Court are also listed on this section of the website.

Using the facility below you may search by: name of barrister; date; type of hearing; sentence and section of the code.

Each set of findings is accorded a status on the following basis:

Open to Appeal: The case is within the period that a barrister can appeal the finding but no appeal has been submitted.

Appeal Pending – Sanction Stayed / Appeal Pending: The barrister has submitted an appeal, which is yet to be heard and the sanction will not be implemented until after the outcome of the appeal is known.  This will be the case unless the Disciplinary Tribunal has ordered that the sanction should take effect immediately.

Final – The finding has been pronounced either after the appeal period has expired or following the result of an appeal.

New findings are posted within seven days of a decision, although it can take up to 24 hours for the finding to appear on the website following its posting (or for a finding to not show on the website following its removal). 

Details of all publishable findings and sanctionss imposed by Disciplinary Tribunals from 2002 to the present date can also be found on the Bar Standards Board website by clicking here.

An alternative means of dealing with professional misconduct complaints is provided by the Determination by Consent (‘DBC’) procedure.  This process is where the Professional Conduct Committee exercises its power to determine the outcome of a disciplinary case with the barrister’s consent.  It is designed to provide a more speedy resolution of straightforward cases without the need for a formal Disciplinary Tribunal hearing.  Further information on the procedure can be accessed here.

Details of the practising status of any barrister can be found on the Bar Standards Board website, click here for further information.

  1. Mon 29 Sep
  2. Tue 30 Sep
  3. Wed 01 Oct
  4. Thu 02 Oct



    Tariq Rehman

    (Lincoln's Inn)

    Type of hearing
    5 Person Disciplinary Tribunal
    Panel members
    Finding and sentence
    2 months suspension.
    Appeal dismissed
    Thursday 15 - Friday 16 May and Thursday 2 - Friday 3 October 2014


  5. Fri 03 Oct



    Tariq Rehman

    (Lincoln's Inn)

    Type of hearing
    5 Person Disciplinary Tribunal
    Panel members
    Finding and sentence
    2 months suspension.
    Appeal dismissed
    Thursday 15 - Friday 16 May and Thursday 2 - Friday 3 October 2014


  6. Sat 04 Oct
  7. Sun 05 Oct
  8. Mon 06 Oct
  9. Tue 07 Oct
  10. Wed 08 Oct
  11. Thu 09 Oct
  12. Fri 10 Oct
  13. Sat 11 Oct
  14. Sun 12 Oct
  15. Mon 13 Oct
  16. Tue 14 Oct
  17. Wed 15 Oct
  18. Thu 16 Oct
  19. Fri 17 Oct
  20. Sat 18 Oct
  21. Sun 19 Oct
  22. Mon 20 Oct
  23. Tue 21 Oct
  24. Wed 22 Oct



    Michael Wainwright

    (Lincoln's Inn)

    Type of hearing
    5 Person Disciplinary Tribunal
    Panel members
    • His Honour Nicholas Ainley (Chair)
    • His Honour Nicholas Ainley (Chair)
    • His Honour Nicholas Ainley (Chair)
    • His Honour Nicholas Ainley (Chair)
    • His Honour Nicholas Ainley (Chair)
    Finding and sentence
    Permanent Prohibition from accepting Public Access Instructions. Disbarred. Costs of £493.33.
    Wednesday 22 October and Wednesday 3 December 2014
    Part- heard on 16th September 2014


  25. Thu 23 Oct
  26. Fri 24 Oct
  27. Sat 25 Oct
  28. Sun 26 Oct
  29. Mon 27 Oct
  30. Tue 28 Oct
  31. Wed 29 Oct
  32. Thu 30 Oct
  33. Fri 31 Oct
  34. Sat 01 Nov
  35. Sun 02 Nov